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1. Jan-Hendrik May, He-Qing Huang, Toshiyuki Fujioka, David Fink, Alexandru Codilean, Guo-An Yu, Yuanxu Ma, Gerwin Wulf and Jing Gu, 2018, Evolution of sandstone peak-forest landscapes – insights from quantifying erosional processes with cosmogenic nuclides, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms, 43, 639–653.

2. Shi C, Shao W. 2014. Knickpoints within the Suoshui watershed and the implication for the age of sandstone pillars in Zhangjiajie, China. Geomorphology 221: 261-273.

3. Shi C, Qi D. 2013. Geometric characteristics of valley and basin of Suoshui iver in Zhangjiajie of Hunan Province and their implications in landform evolution. Journal of Palaeogeography 15: 865-874.

4. Yang G, Tian M, Zhang X, Chen Z, Wray RaL, Ge Z, Ping Y, Ni Z, Yang Z. 2012. Quartz sandstone peak forest landforms of Zhangjiajie Geopark, northwest Hunan Province, China: pattern, constraints and comparison. Environmental Earth Sciences 65: 1877-1894.

5. Yang G, Yang Z, Zhang X, Tian M, Chen A, Ge Z, Ping Y, Ni Z. 2011. RS-based geomorphic analysis of Zhangjiajie Sandstone Peak Forest Geopark, China. Journal of Cultural Heritage 12: 88-97

6. Yang G, Zhang X, Tian M, Brierley G, Chen A, Ping Y, Ge Z, Ni Z, Yang Z. 2011. Alluvial terrace systems in Zhangjiajie of northwest Hunan, China: Implications for climatic change, tectonic uplift and geomorphic evolution. Quaternary International 233: 27-39.

7. Yang G, Zhang X, Tian M, Ping Y, Chen A, Ge Z, Ni Z, Yang Z. 2010. Geomorphological and sedimentological comparison of fluvial terraces and karst caves in Zhangjiajie, northwest Hunan, China: an archive of sandstone landform development. Environmental Earth Sciences:

8. P, Nanson G, Qi D, Viles H, Wood C, Wray R, Yang G, Yang X, Yu G-a. 2011. Naming conventions in geomorphology: contributions and controversies in the sandstone landscape of Zhangjiajie Geopark, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36: 1981-1984.

9. Ping Y, Yang G, Zhang X, Tian M, Chen A, Ge Z, Ni Z, Yang Z. 2011. Timing of Zhangjiajie Sandstone Landforms: Evidence from Fluvial Terraces and Karst Caves. Geological Review 57: 118-124.

10. Zhang Yongzhong, Hu Nengyong, Wang Ming yan. The geological evolution history of Zhangjiajie geopark and the formation process of Sandstone-peak Forest in Wulingyuan, the proceedings of the first international conference on Geoparks, Beijing: Geological Publishing House.

11. Zhang Yongzhong, Hu Nengyong. The scientific content of the Sandstone-peak Forest world geopark of Zhangjiajie.

12. Chen Anze,Study on Sandstone Peak Forest Landform formation age and the Earth’s Crust Stability.

13. Gary Brierley, He Qing Huang, Anze Chen, Simon Aiken, Mike Crozier, Wolfgang Eder,Andrew Goudie, Jan-Hendrik May, Piotr Migon, Gerald Nanson, Deli Qi, Heather Viles,Chris Wood, Robert Wray, Guifang Yang, Xiaoping Yang, Guo-an Yu and Yuanxu Ma. Geomorphology and geoconservation: A discussion of contributions and controversies in the sandstone landscape of Zhangjiajie, ChinaEarth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2011.

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