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Experts working on World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism visited Zhangjiajie UGGp
    During January 12-13, Mr Peter Debrine, a senior officer in charge of the project "World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism" at UNESCO Heritage Center, visited Zhangjiajie UGGp, together with the principal investigator of the experimental site of the project in China, Prof. Feng HAN of Fudan Univresity, Ms Hong LI from the Asian-Pacific Heritage Center, and the managing staffs of Zhangjiajie World Heritage Site and Zhangjiajie UGGp.

Photo 1. Experts investigated the World Heritage Site in Zhangjiajie UGGp

Photo 2. Experts visited the PrettyGirl Tujia Brocade Base

 (Partner of Zhangjiajie UGGp)

Photo 3. Mr Peter Debrine wrote an inscription for Wulingyuan 

World Natural Herigate Protection and Communication Center

Photo 4. Mr. Peter Debrine communicated with Mr. Zhu Yongwen, the Deputy Director 

of the Standing Committee of People's Congress of Zhangjiajie City and 

the Party Committee Secretary of Wuliangyuan District 

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